Saturday, October 24, 2020

Natural metformin, high blood sugar people eat more, stable blood sugar, diabetes high not to disturb

High blood sugar has a great impact on the human body. For people with high blood sugar, they often eat kelp, which is conducive to the control of blood sugar, can speed up the metabolism of the human body, can help prevent the formation of thrombosis, and can reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood. Let's have a specific understanding of the relevant issues. Diabetes in the diet is need to pay special attention to, must ensure that their intake of food not only will not increase the body's blood sugar, but also conducive to reducing blood sugar value. So, how should diabetics eat? Pomegranate is a very common fruit in our life. It is called "natural metformin" fruit. This is because pomegranate contains a lot of chromium, which plays an important role in the metabolism of sugar and fat, and is a component of glucose tolerance factor. Usually we use properly, stabilize blood sugar, diabetes does not disturb. Lettuce is rich in acid, which is a kind of healthy vegetable. Nicotinic acid, an activator of insulin, can Enough to help promote the islets to secrete more insulin. Lettuce can be said to be a natural "metformin" food, high blood sugar people eat more, stable blood sugar, diabetes does not disturb. 3. The myricetin rich in sweet potato leaves can consume the excess blood glucose in blood vessels, but not stay in the blood vessels. It is a good helper to stabilize blood glucose. Moreover, sweet potato leaves are low in calories, can bring satiety, reduce caloric intake and cholesterol, and help to control blood sugar. Therefore, high blood sugar people eat, stable blood sugar, diabetes does not disturb. Kelp contains a large amount of organic iodine, which can promote the secretion of insulin and adrenocortical hormone and glucose metabolism in liver and muscle tissue, thus helping to reduce blood glucose. Kelp is rich in fucoidan and laminarin, which have the activity similar to heparin. It can not only help prevent thrombosis, but also reduce lipoprotein, cholesterol and inhibit atherosclerosis. 4. Balsam pear is one of the most common fruits and vegetables in our life. We all know that it has a good heat clearing effect. Besides, balsam pear is rich in nutrition, and it is also known as natural insulin. You can eat more at ordinary times to stabilize blood sugar and avoid diabetes.

Traditional Chinese medicine 61: stabilizing blood sugar and lowering blood sugar should be safe, reversing diabetes can not be delayed

Pursue the legacy of the sages and inherit the ancient medicine Many people think that diabetes is eating out of the disease, because eat too much, the blood sugar too much can not be converted out; Some people say that diabetes comes from starvation, because the blood sugar is not enough, and the body will not spontaneously absorb it to the cells. This shows that the blood sugar is high, which is certainly not the reason why the blood sugar can not be processed. Which of these two reasons is right? Is it related to hypoglycemic drugs? What's the role of drugs in our bodies? In this issue, we talk about the principle of hypoglycemic drugs. Diabetes can be divided into four categories. Like metformin is also a class, belonging to biguanides. The first type is the direct supplement of insulin, generally for oral, injection. There are too many people who can forget the others when they go out. They can't forget the injection bag. Before you eat, give your stomach a shot. Some people with better living conditions install an insulin pump to monitor blood glucose and supplement insulin at any time. It can be said that it can achieve good control effect. The function of insulin secretion is affected by drugs. Originally, you should increase the function of insulin when its function declines, but you choose to give it insulin directly. After a long time, the function of insulin secretion will degenerate. In addition to insulin, there are three other commonly used antidiabetic drugs. First of all, secretagogue. Many friends are taking this kind of medicine, such as glibenclamide, dexamethasone and amoride. You can learn from the following series of figures. Closed circuit In fact, with diabetes, it has indicated that there is a problem with the islet, and then let him work, this is not overdraft of the life of the islet? So, the biggest side effect of this kind of secretagogue is that diabetes is getting heavier and heavier, until it can't be controlled and complications occur at the same time. It is also slow to use Chinese medicine in patients with diseases. This is a way to improve the quality of the product Many patients do not have in-depth understanding of hypoglycemic drugs, they are anxious to control blood sugar, medication at will, when eating the wrong, want to change Chinese medicine conditioning, immediately let the side effects disappear. As a result, it takes a long time to ask. If you still need to eat glibenclamide and dexamethasone, you will feel that the money is wronged and you will give up the opportunity of rehabilitation. It's all in a hurry. case playback Let's use a case to explain to you About 4 seconds a picture, you can repeatedly watch, remember to read oh. What about this case? At the beginning, he was lazy and ate sweets, which was actually caused by the lack of vitality caused by spleen deficiency. Appear these two symptoms, basically can consider diabetes. At the beginning, his blood sugar was not very high. But pay attention, at this time, the energy conversion mechanism of the human body has problems. If the sugar in the body can not be converted into the energy needed by the human body in time, people will have no strength and will not want to move. The sugar in the blood can't get into the cells, but no matter how much sugar you have in your body, the cells send out signals to ask for sugar when they are out of sugar. At this time, the spleen and stomach receive, people want to eat high sugar content, ordinary food can not meet, began to eat a large number of sweets. Sugar begins to enter the body. On the other hand, it does not necessarily mean that people with diabetes mellitus love spleen deficiency. Why? Let's go on. Guo's old uncle, at this time blood sugar has been very high, fasting has been 14, very high. In order to control blood sugar, insulin and glibenclamide were used. These two drugs, insulin directly supplement insulin, glibenclamide stimulates insulin secretion. Let the body have more insulin, open the door on the cell or increase the door on the cell to let the sugar enter, and the blood sugar will drop. The role of insulin The role of secretagogues This relationship is very simple. Let's explain it with a diagram. This time you have diabetes!!! At this point, even if you inject insulin directly, at most you can only convert a small amount of sugar into each meal. The closed door is very difficult to open, so there is no energy and the body still has no strength. If you don't have strength, you think you need to add more. As a result, you will become more and more dependent on insulin, your physical strength will be worse and worse, and your body cells will not get nutrition, and you will become thinner and thinner. Later, glyburidine didn't work, and betanpine was used instead. This is the islets that have been squeezed. Betangping belongs to another hypoglycemic drug, which is absorption blocking agent. We'll talk about this later. Mr. Guo gave him a prescription for strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach. The spleen is the viscera for digestion, absorption, utilization and excretion of all nutrients. The spleen governs transportation, and it also contains sugar. Islets promote sugar. What about Vic? That is to say, commonly used antioxidants have good antioxidant effect on organs. Therefore, vitamin C has a very important role in diabetes. Vitamin E, trace element selenium, etc. Professor Guo used Jianpi Yangwei, Quxie Xiaofang plus vitamin C, three pronged approach, gradually replaced insulin and drug hypoglycemic effect. Finally, the teacher slowly let go of the dependence on various hypoglycemic drugs. And diet through regulation also returned to normal, appropriate to eat some sweet things can also. Physical strength also gradually recovered, and then Tai Chi, consumption of sugar, the whole person from the overall energy supplement, life gradually returned to normal. Now this teacher, who is nearly 70 years old, looks much younger than most of his peers. His blood sugar, blood pressure and blood lipid are normal. He follows Mr. Guo to strengthen the spleen and stomach every day. His life is a very healthy state. In fact, for the treatment of diabetes, the secretagogue agents like glibenclamide might as well supplement insulin directly. Because insulin is foreign, at most it makes you more and more dependent on it, which affects the function of insulin secretion. The secretagogues, by directly "whipping sick cattle", make your body worse and worse. It will hurt your whole organs, and finally, the organs will fail. After invigorating the spleen, the vitality is strengthened, and the weakness of other organs can also be improved. Sugar eye, eye disease. It is because your liver blood and liver Qi are not enough. If the ability of the liver is enhanced, there will be more liver qi to nourish the eyes, and the eyesight will also be improved. And the strength of vitality, also means that your heart is more sufficient, you are not easy to get coronary heart disease. Even if it does, it can be improved as soon as possible. Will also give you lung to strengthen, like your skin itching, lung cells get more energy, its vitality is strong, can better resist bacteria, the body is not easy to appear skin diseases. We also said that the kidney governs the bone, and diabetic patients often have osteoporosis and hyperosteogeny. We should start with the vitality and strengthen the spleen and stomach to make the kidney qi more sufficient. Let diabetic patients get better quality of life. Don't always use chemicals to hurt your body. It's better to let diabetes be gradually reversed steadily in the green and safe consensus on the basis of a new and objective understanding of diabetes, so that complications can be eliminated in the bud. In this period, we mainly from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine to analyze the role and advantages and disadvantages of some commonly used hypoglycemic drugs. In fact, to diabetes, its onset and our often said islet resistance is closely related. Why do islets produce resistance? How to resist? From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, how to understand it? How to solve it? Let's take these questions and move on next time. 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Traditional Chinese medicine 20: neither hot nor cold Big vernacular says Chinese medicine 21: the abdomen should be warm, the body is healthy Big vernacular says traditional Chinese medicine 22: small cold and damp, but there is great harm Big vernacular says Chinese medicine 23: senile dementia does not need to be afraid, early prevention avoids it A golden cudgel makes the whole body smooth Big vernacular says traditional Chinese medicine 25: sufficient vitality, cold and dampness regression powder Traditional Chinese medicine 26: cure before disease, mushroom can't grow Talking about traditional Chinese medicine in vernacular 27: unveiling the mystery of hypertension Traditional Chinese medicine 28: chronic diseases should be treated slowly, and only fine water can flow long Traditional Chinese medicine 29: strengthening the body and eliminating pathogenic factors is the correct principle Traditional Chinese medicine 30: vitality is like electricity, it stops when it is gone Traditional Chinese medicine 31: the body is like a battlefield, where good and evil come to fight It's not necessary to say that it's used to remove rheumatism Traditional Chinese medicine 33: blood vessel elasticity is not enough Talking about traditional Chinese medicine 34: thrombus moving, danger lurking Big vernacular says traditional Chinese medicine 35: loose stool should be vigilant, long-term spleen deficiency Traditional Chinese medicine 36: guide a practice, insomnia disappeared According to the great vernacular Chinese medicine 37: Ren Du two meridians are divided into men and women, the meridians are smooth and the vitality is smooth Big vernacular says Chinese medicine 38: sound can cure disease, wish is proof Traditional Chinese medicine 39: Acupuncture and moxibustion, dredge small experts In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there is no matter how much Qi is accumulated Chinese medicine 41: there are four indicators, reaching the standard is good The great vernacular says Chinese medicine 42: if these three tubes are together, hypertension is also afraid Traditional Chinese medicine 43: eat to be picky, cold to eat less Big vernacular says traditional Chinese medicine 44: strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach to care about, hypoxia has to tonify the vitality Big vernacular says Chinese medicine 45: don't be afraid of diabetes, invigorate the spleen and nourish the stomach to drive it away Big vernacular says traditional Chinese medicine 46: dampness does not go, spleen and stomach will be empty It is said in the vernacular Chinese medicine 47: replenish the vitality as soon as possible. It will be less when the age comes Big vernacular says Chinese medicine 48: good causes and good results, minor diseases no matter how many problems Traditional Chinese medicine 49: it's not feasible to only look at the present, but to be firm in regulating the body Big vernacular says traditional Chinese medicine 50: only look at the present is not feasible, conditioning the body to be firm Big vernacular says Chinese medicine 51: heart fire inflammation, kidney water run, the vitality movement does not stop Traditional Chinese medicine 52: Lung Qi should be smooth, cold and dampness will die out The great vernacular says Chinese medicine 53: the crops are enough for the common people to be safe, and the spleen and stomach are good enough to be full of vitality Big vernacular says traditional Chinese medicine 54: nourish spleen, earth, generate vitality, have health is effortless Big vernacular says traditional Chinese medicine 55: gastrointestinal care should be early, acid reflux pain can not be At present, the first choice of Chinese medicine for longevity Traditional Chinese medicine 57: choose the right medicine to lower blood pressure, get rid of dizziness and palpitation Traditional Chinese medicine 58: simple seven herbs, good curative effect of invigorating spleen and nourishing stomach Big vernacular says traditional Chinese medicine 59: antihypertensive drugs do not take disorderly, it is not too late to take the right medicine Traditional Chinese medicine 60: find out the way of sugar metabolism, diabetes will be clear

A new hypoglycemic option for diabetics brought by scientists: get rid of diabetes. See if it suits you?

 As a grinding monster, diabetes has not let go of the common people in every corner of the society. In China, there is one prediabetic patient in every 2 adults and one diabetic patient in every 10 adults. Moreover, nearly 70% of sugar friends' patients do not meet the blood glucose control standard. In the long run, they are prone to islet failure and rely on insulin injection.

However, new hypoglycemic drugs are constantly being developed. For example, in recent years, scientists have developed a new type of oral hypoglycemic drugs: "glibenclamin" hypoglycemic drugs have been widely used in foreign countries and have been listed in China Dapaglezin (andatang), englizin (otanjin), kagliclazin (econam). If there are sugar friends who are already using this kind of drug, they should have experienced it. Before that, they have been paying for it, but it is said that daggligin will soon enter medical insurance.

Do not rely on insulin hypoglycemic, long-term disease, sugar friends should look forward to it

Insulin is in our bodies The only hormone that directly lowers blood sugar In most cases, insulin is administered directly or indirectly to patients with advanced diabetes. Is there any way to get rid of insulin to lower blood sugar? Scientists really find a way

——Let you "pee" the extra sugar!

The tubule of normal person kidney can excrete about 160 ~ 180 g glucose every day, more than 3 Liang! But why do normal people have no urine sugar? Because the kidney has a "diligent Mr." code named sglt-2, it absorbs the filtered sugar into the blood, so as not to waste energy.

The kidney is made up of these glomeruli. The red ones are blood vessels that filter waste into the Yellow sac

As long as this "diligent Mr." does less work, the sugar will be discharged with a large amount of urine, and the blood sugar will be low? ---Scientists have to think about it.

The scientists found that the SG2 drug, which does not inhibit glucose excretion from the urine of patients with diabetes, can reduce the blood glucose excretion of this type 2 drug.

This kind of new drugs sugar effect is very good, take the example of kaglitazone, 100 mg a day, about 100 g Sugar. "It's equivalent to 6 liang of rice or 13000 steps. "

The effect of these drugs has nothing to do with insulin secretion and insulin action. It can be used as a single drug or combined with other oral hypoglycemic drugs or insulin.

In addition to hypoglycemic effects, gliclagin has additional benefits

In recent years, the research of glibenclamide is very popular. The main reason is that they not only control sugar, but also protect cardiovascular and kidney. Let's analyze the characteristics of these drugs.

1. The effect of glucose control is similar to that of metformin, and does not increase the risk of hypoglycemia

The results of a 12-78 week clinical study showed that in HbA1c, 7.5% - 9.2% of Tangyou, The three kinds of glitazin drugs can reduce the glycosylated hemoglobin by 0.7%, It has nothing to do with the combined hypoglycemic drugs. A study on type 2 diabetes mellitus in Asia found that daglipin reduced HbA1c by 1.16%, reduced fasting blood glucose by 1.9 mmol / L and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose by 3.2 mmol / L, with a compliance rate of 52.5%.

Taking metformin, an old oral hypoglycemic drug, as an example, Professor r.r.henry of the University of California conducted a 24 week clinical trial on newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus patients aged 18-77 years. The results showed that the effect of dapagliptin 10mg was similar to that of metformin 2000mg in reducing HbA1c, but it had better effect on fasting blood glucose (FPG).

When combined with insulin, glibenclamide can further reduce HbA1c, reduce insulin dosage for injection and reduce body weight, and do not increase hypoglycemia.

2. Patients with cardiovascular diseases are suitable for gliclagin

Information: A study of 7020 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with cardiovascular disease found that the risk of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction and stroke was reduced by 14%, and the risk of hospitalization for heart failure was reduced by 35%. Therefore, in December 2016, FDA approved the indications for cardiovascular protection in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

List: In the canvas study, 10000 patients with type 2 diabetes from more than 30 countries were included in the study. It was found that the risk of cardiovascular disease was reduced by 14% and the risk of hospitalization for heart failure was reduced by 33%.

Details: According to the declare TIMI study, daggliptin reduced the risk of hospitalization for heart failure or death from cardiovascular causes by 17%.

3. Gliquid is also the gospel of diabetic nephropathy sugar friends

According to the declare TIMI study, the incidence and deterioration of renal disease in patients with daseglinin were reduced by 24%; the risk of death caused by uremia and nephropathy was reduced by 40%; the incidence of new onset or deterioration of kidney disease was reduced by 39%, and the mortality caused by renal transplantation or nephropathy was reduced by 46%.

(for professional research, the text is a little awkward. Please forgive me. I've tried my best to adjust it to be popular. In fact, it's good for sugar friends to understand.)

There are always advantages and disadvantages. As a new drug for controlling glucose, gliclagin has a relatively short time to market, and whether there are hidden side effects can not be completely ruled out. In addition, it should be noted that, after all, there is a large amount of sugar in the urine, which may cause urinary tract infection. Tangyou should keep the vulva clean and dry during medication, and be alert to urinary tract infection and reproductive system infection. Once it happens, please as soon as possible See a doctor.

The use of any hypoglycemic drugs, are inseparable from the sugar friends with their own lifestyle adjustment. At present, although glibenclamide is good, it is not enough to rely on it. The five carriages of diabetes treatment can not be neglected. And the medicine ultimately depends on the doctor to judge whether it is suitable for use according to the situation. As sugar friends, we need to do a good job in the daily sugar control strategy in addition to drugs.


Often do these things, cerebral neuropathy and other diabetic complications have come! Sugar friends to avoid

 When it comes to diabetes, many people think it is related to eating. When it comes to sleep, you will first find it very incredible, but you may still be doing it.

In fact, in addition to heredity, unhealthy diet and sleep problems are also one of the causes of diabetes, And the real cause of diabetes is that the body's insulin metabolism problems, diabetes may also sleep out.

Type 1 diabetes is mostly due to the inability to secrete insulin normally, so it needs long-term insulin therapy. However, type 2 is more insulin resistance, and the sensitivity is decreased. So taking medicine and taking insulin can help lower blood sugar.

No matter what kind of diabetes, it is necessary to monitor blood glucose on time and do a good job of recording, reasonable diet and active control of glucose. Sleep is an important factor that many people ignore.

According to the research of scientists, one third of our time is in sleep. For example, the sleep time of adults is 6-8 hours, which is a very reasonable range.

If you sleep too much or too little, all have a certain degree of impact on the body, and the impact on blood sugar is to affect metabolic function, thus causing diabetes, which may be faster than the impact of diet.

This is a little like what people often call endocrine disorders, and here the disorder of diabetes is the disorder of normal metabolic function of blood glucose in the body. These things you may often do affect the quality of sugar control!

Sleeping too much

If sleep time is too much, it is easy to cause blood sugar disorders, for people with diabetes, too long sleep will lead to blood sugar fluctuations, aggravating the disease.

Because there are several high blood glucose peaks in the day, such as at 4:00 or 9:00 in the morning, it is the most likely time for blood glucose to rise.

At this time, if you don't get up and don't eat breakfast, the blood sugar regulation will be destroyed, which will lead to the situation of blood sugar rising all day, increasing the burden of kidney and blood vessels.

No breakfast

If you sleep too much, you will often miss your breakfast. Therefore, for most people who don't eat breakfast, their blood sugar will rise in a whole day, When the shut-off valve is not closed: His insulin sensitivity is easily reduced.

For people with insulin resistance, I've been sleeping in for a long time, Diabetes is more likely to occur.

Therefore, people with diabetes and high blood pressure are better to stick to regular sleep, get up at 8 o'clock in the morning, and Don't disturb your biological clock It’s not

Too little sleep

For the lack of sleep, the main impact is the hypothalamic sympathetic nerve, the nerve will often be in an excited state, thus affecting the secretion of catecholamine, blocking insulin secretion, insulin secretion is affected, blood glucose metabolism is affected, thus blood glucose rise, leading to diabetes.

This is also a question Long term insomnia or often stay up late people can cause blood viscosity It causes high blood pressure and diabetes.

Frequent insomnia

Sleep too little is easy to cause frequent insomnia, if it is diabetes, coupled with insomnia or stay up late often occur, people's neurasthenia and spirit will be poor, more adverse to the control of blood sugar.

That's why a lot of people with diabetes develop it later Neurasthenia and neuroencephalopathy and other complications Why.

These methods help you get a good sleep:

 Press the front button and press the following actions:

Eye fatigue can affect the speed of falling asleep and reduce the quality of sleep, so eye massage or eye exercises before going to bed can relax the eyes and help them fall asleep quickly.

 Press the front button to warm:

Use a basin of warm water to scald your feet before going to bed, which can relieve foot fatigue, promote blood circulation on the soles of the feet, and make people sleep peacefully.

 Sleep without emotion

Don't be too excited or excited before going to bed, and don't have emotions. Keep a calm mind to rest. Good mentality, good natural rest, bad mentality is one of the causes of insomnia.

 Proper sleeping position:

When sleeping, choose a sleeping position that you feel the most comfortable, so that the muscles of the whole body are relaxed and the body is completely liberated. The best bed is comfortable and can help you fall asleep quickly.

Don't underestimate a sleep. It doesn't matter if you sleep more or less, Especially for the sugar friends who are controlling sugar, we must pay attention to every detail of good life, regularly measure blood glucose with blood glucose meter, and actively control blood glucose.
